Thursday, April 13, 2006

A correction, of sorts.

Perhaps I wrote too soon. I just reported Iran being 16 days away from nuclear weapons, and highlighted the dangers of “crying wolf.” Basically, Bush has lied far too much to ever be taken seriously, and this was back in 2003. But already, this claim by a state department official has been debunked by

Apparently, if Iran were to perfect nuclear production methods and install enough centrifuges (which they can’t plan to do in 06 at least), then they theoretically could produce nuclear grade uranium in 16 days. Woops! Minor detail missing there. I’m looking forward to the story in 2009 when it is released that Bush knew this was a garbage scare tactic before it was said, but approved the message anyway. I just hope people realize this is not a failure of government, just a failure of Republican government.


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