Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Iranian nukes in 16 days

The scare tactics are beginning. Apparently, Iran can build a nuclear weapon in 16 days. The problem here is great. This could be a serious threat, but unfortunately it mirrors the lies that lead up to Iraq. Iraq is close to nukes; Iraq has mobile chemical weapons facilities; Saddam is a threat to America; secular Saddam worked with religious extremists from Al Qaeda; the list goes on and on.

And how will we know if this is true? We won’t. And this is perhaps the biggest security threat to America and the world. Bush and the Republicans are the boy who cried wolf. We need honest, respectable politicians to come into office. We need to clean house the November, and get in Democrats. If Republicans straighten out their party, rid them of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzalez, Frist, Delay (check), etc., and become a more moderate party, then I’ll try again to trust them. And Democrats take note: When you have the power back (hopefully November, or whenever), don’t abuse it.


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