Friday, January 06, 2006

Mission Statement

I'm aware that there are a million sources for the news out there, and many liberal blogs that are more professional and better suited for viewing. This is why I’m looking for specific things to make this blog unique. Most liberal blogs I’ve been to don't put environmental issues as high as daily political news, but I plan on putting both in equal importance. Also, this blog puts politics through the view of a college student, something not too common also. Plus, I can be funny, so hopefully I can get some opportunities to throw in a few jokes. And lastly, having no credibility and no accountability (and probably readership), I can be more blunt than most blogs. I plan on just getting some experience writing, and just expressing a hobby of mine; following politics and spreading the truth. Liberally.

I Hope some people will also enjoy this blog as much as me, or at least get to know what’s going on in the news every now and then.