Thursday, April 20, 2006

The (next) War

The conflict in Iran has garnered added attention this week and last, as Iran announced it had joined the nuclear club and could enrich uranium (note: they don’t and can’t have a bomb for at least 5 years). A rumor had come out that the US had considered using tactical nukes on Iran, and I didn’t even report it. It seemed so far fetched. At a later press conference, the President was asked point-blank if they were considering a tactical nuclear strike on Iran.

"All options are on the table," he said.

What!? Nuclear weapons?! That’s ridiculous! That’s the worst bit of diplomacy I could have dreamed of. This would make us out to be the bad guy in the situation, and we’re dealing with one of the craziest leaders in the modern world. Cooler heads certainly must prevail.

Harry Reid has stepped up and assured us that there is no military option for Iran; it must be worked out diplomatically. He blames the upsurge in Anti-American feelings on Bush’s horrible handling of the war in Iraq. I’m glad he came forward and said this, considering previously the talking point from Democrats was nothing or “All options are on the table.” We need Democrats to be the rational ones here. Just because they have the right position on the Iraq war doesn’t make them the best on the conflict with Iran. I hope to see more Democrats get behind Reid on this one.


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