"Let Bush be Bush"
There is a new White House strategy to get the President’s approval rating up: “Let Bush be Bush.” In other words, ‘don’t pick on him, he’s incompetent. While this may be true, it distracts from the real problem. The conservative political philosophy is what fails. Its not Bush’s fault, its Republican domination in action. Republicans control both houses of congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House. Nothing is holding them back from their policies, so what you are seeing is conservative government in action, not Bush being Bush.
Take the Dubai Ports debacle. This shows who wears the pants in the American government – Republicans in congress. It’s not only that Bush is screwing up, it’s that the Republicans are at the wheel. The Iraq War, the massive, massive deficit, the reverse Robin Hood budget, the destruction of faith in government, our horrible international relations (can you believe we have thorny relations with Venezuela?!), all a Republican problem. So let Bush be Bush, or in other words, an incompetent Republican, and you don’t fix the problem. It’s lipstick on a pig.
Since I don’t see George Bush leaving the failed Republican philosophy, the lets let Bush be Bush. And take down the whole Republican Party with him.
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