Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Bush Administration used Earth Day to give lip service to environmental concerns. There was a conference to discuss ways that the private sector can develop new technologies that reduce emissions. They also laid out a whopping $58 million to help fund the project. Note: The proposed military budget for 2007 was $540 billion, before budget talks derailed. It will probably end up higher.

Here are some ideas of technology that can be invented to help reduce emissions. A “solar panel,” which creates energy from the sun. A wind turbine which would use principles of lift to generate power. “Hybrid cars,” which run on a battery engine as well as gasoline. These ideas could dramatically reduce emissions. But wait! They exists – the market has failed to use them. The market is not the way to do this until oil is $150 a barrel (twice today’s historic high of $75), then these technologies will be economically competitive. Government support is needed to implement technology that we already have. Then we will have progress. And thats why we need Democrats in office.


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