Sunday, February 05, 2006

More on Spying

On Talking Points Memo, there was another article about the illegal spying scandal. Apparently, we got a real number on the amount of terrorists we catch each year with this resource-draining program. Good to know it was worth it though - there are ten people who "aroused enough suspicion." That’s right, 10 people who possibly could be terrorists. Saying potential terrorists I think gives the program too much credit. Meanwhile, tomorrow the attorney General will testify before congress. According to Daily Kos, Gonzalez will be lying, saying it is a small program, not a dragnet out to find patterns. Well according to the Washington Post, that’s exactly what it is.

This program seems like one ripe for picking from the "budget tree." highlights some of the programs cut instead.

Along with the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, a $107 million program the USDA website says is meant to "improve the health of low-income pregnant and breastfeeding women, other new mothers up to one year postpartum, infants, children up to age six, and elderly people at least 60 years of age."

This of course taken instead of the easy budget cut target - Military. As explained, we're paying out our asses for guns - $560 billion. Didn't this destroy the Soviet Union? Well, I emailed Tim Bishop, Senator Clinton, and Senator Schumer. Hopefully they'll fight the good fight. This budget goes too far.


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