It has become clear that these hearings will accomplish nothing. Although Gonzalez is doing a horrible job defending the program, as Orwell says, if you lie enough, it starts to become like the truth. What a sham hearing - this is so clearly against the constitution. I hope that Gonzalez and others in the Department of Justice are arrested in a later administration or congress.
A complaint was made by Republican Chuck Grassley about private information about the spying program being made available to congress. He is baffled that congress was informed on a limited basis, but only after the NY Times released it did they outrage. He should know though that this is illegal for congress to release this information. The debate goes back and forth to terrorism, but only a few (Specter, Kennedy) will ask why not use the FISA court. Its really offensive to a New Yorker like myself that 9/11 is so exploited by Republican. Its really sick to use 3000 deaths for political gain.
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