Thursday, February 02, 2006

He already lied

With the headline worthy "America is addicted to oil" line of the State of the Union address, Bush gave hope to those who still manage to trust him. Personally, I don't believe he'll do anything, but it is advanced in the public spotlight. Democratic Underground points out that only 20% of our imports come from the Middle East, where Bush wants to cut 75% of our imports by 2025. Hillary Clinton on the other hand wants oil independence by 2020.

Apparently, the administration is backing off of their goals already. We will hope to do that, it is a possible target, but we'll leave it to the market to see how much oil they will buy. Because the market will do this only is they run out of 75% of capacity, without any government intervention. It was a good try. Two things good can come from this. People lose even more trust in Bush and the Republicans, and as mentioned, it pushed oil dependency to the spotlight.

Update: No, I didn't read the article I originally posted. I read one at Democratic Underground, which did not yet have its own page (the article only appeared on the main page, which would then be pushed down as newer articles come). In my haste I put up a related article. Heres the article my post came from.


Blogger Rob said...

Did you even read the article? The article states that Bush is cutting 75% of the oil. Unless the article is wrong, then your wrong. CNN also said that Bush wants to cut 75% of oil by making cleaner cars, isn't that what is importnt right now? The sooner we are done with the Middle East and those Wackjobs, the better.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The article said that the only reason Bush is cutting imports by 75% from the Middle East is because he plans on having alternative energy sources account for that much oil products in 2025. There was nothing wrong in either article, because it says that this was just an example, so yes Bush lied. And oil dependency is the problem right now, because oil is used for so many things that are made in america, including cars. So cleaner cars doesnt do much even though it is nice, but this country needs other energy sources instead of oil, because in predictions made by geologists oil will only last for a minimum of about 20 years, so it is going to be a big problem soon if this country is still dependent on oil. And it sucks how Bush sounded so great in the speech and then you find out we only get 20% of our oil from the Middle East. I just wonder where all the rest of the oil comes from?

4:50 PM  

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