Saturday, January 21, 2006

Public election financing

Democrats, Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin and Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, announced a bill to created publicly financed elections. This would mean the government gives money to each candidate, and lobbying groups are not involved. They admitted it would not initially be received well in a Republican congress.

Realistically though, this is not the way to go. How do you draw the line on who gets money? Could I run for office with 17 other people, and all of us get $500,000? How easily could this money be pocketed? Just think of Bill Frist's "charities," that gave out huge legally contracts to his friends that financed him. Also, this is a huge public expense, unless a line is drawn. Perhaps some money is given for a primary, and more afterwards. But also, what about the Green Party? They would need equal funds, or it would be unfair. And the Libertarians, Americans for Tax Reform, and whatever political party someone would want to make.

At least we're getting the discussion out there, but I don't think any party has done it right so far. Having lobbyists direct corporate funds to politicians just seems corrupt. How can the politicians be expected to vote their conscience, or the peoples' conscience? There will be a lot more ideas out there this year, and with Republicans watching their backs with these new scandals, there’s a good chance some new laws will pass this year.


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