Phy Ops
Today, Donald Rumsfeld acknowledged that Physiological Operations, including trying to influence popular opinion overseas, and putting money into Iraqi newspapers, have backfired. Here’s a hint on foreign policy: STOP FUCKING WITH OTHER GOVERNMENTS!
For a man who believes in the free market, let the consumers decide what to buy, spread democracy to the people at any cost (More specifically, almost $300 Billion and 2236 Americans), you'd think that the President would be against this kind of interference. It didn't work in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq take one, Iraq take two....just STOP! Its wasted American lives, money, and reputation. Why do you think the people of the world hate us? Why do you think the children in Arrested Development hate their mom? Because they're controlling!
I liked John Kerry's platform of using alliances, and worrying about international opinion. He really did have an agenda out there, even if he was confident the "I can't be worse than this guy" arguments would work. Hopefully we'll move toward international relations, not our sanctioning crap for Iran. A new age in foreign policy is desperately needed. Everyone, Democrat and Republican, since World War II has had a horrible foreign policy of interference. I'm not saying don't interfere. Afghanistan overthrew a terrorist government. Helping out in Rwanda would have been nice. There are areas we can help, and build our reputation. We desperately need to pull back on the offensive military, and use them for aid. Build schools abroad, secure elections, help governments who ask, not people Chalabi says we should. I hope the next administration is a Democrat unlike the past ones. But I'd vote for any Republican who says he'll half the military budget and only hope where necessary. That is, if I can actually trust them.
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