Georgia10 at Daily Kos wrote a great peace about debating the NSA spying scandal. According to polls, over 50% of people have no problem giving up their civil liberties for terror hunts. So, change the debate:
Every time a Democrat speaks of this program, let them speak of how it weakens the War on Terror. Every time the phrase "domestic spying" is uttered, let it be followed by "and this program is a grave danger to our national security." Why? Why does Bush's order hinder the War on Terrorism?
It's simple, really. First and foremost, any terror conviction can now be challenged under a "fruit of the poisonous tree" doctrine (See Andrew C. White's diary here). Bush acting outside the law has actually made it easier for those charged with terrorism to suppress evidence against them.
Second, the program is a distraction which wastes critical manpower. FBI agents who are supposed to be chasing down terrorists are, because of this far-reaching scope of this program, investigating ordinary Americans. Under Bush's program, thousands of FBI officers are chasing calls to Pizza Hut rather than chasing sleeper cells who may be planning to attack us.
Finally--and this is the point the Democrats need to hit, hard--Bush's spying program has not resulted in a single terror lead in the four years it has been implemented. Not one single lead.
Thus, we have changed the debate from "would you give up civil liberties to be more secure" to "would you give up your civil liberties to be less secure"? The answer to that question, I assure you, will be a resounding "no".
Ineffectiveness. That is the key to winning this debate and getting the truth to the American people.
So, remember your talking points: wasted agents, no leads, and they know if you like pepperoni or not, but haven't ordered you a pizza yet. And you like pizza.
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