Here are a few news bits:
1) This is comforting: Samuel Alito, the very conservative Supreme Court Justice nominee, is having trouble getting Democratic support. Unfortunately, the prospects of a filibuster by the Democrats to prevent his nomination seem low.
2) The Vatican released a statement praising the court decision in Pennsylvania that banned Intelligent Design from being taught in public schools, as intelligent design is not science. President Bush, on the other hand, wants intelligent design and evolution taught in science class, but luckily he isn't a champion of education
3) More Republican lobbying scandals, this one is in Texas. The Republican governor hired a lobbyist for 180,000 in state money. The lobbyist went from making $250 in campaign contributions to, to $75,000 after his hire to Republican candidates and political committees. Talking Points Memo has the story...
4) A law in Maine requires electronics manufacturers to pay costs involved in disposing or recycling electronics, such as computer monitors and TVs. This is commonplace in Europe, glad to see it happening here. More at ENN
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