Budget Problems
You know that sickening feeling you get when you look at a terrible financial situation? Your student loans piling up, or some other money problems? Well add one more to the list. Estimations for the budget deficit for this year are on the rise. President Bush expects us to have a $400 Billion deficit this year. I thought conservatives were supposed to be good with money? Well, we’ll all have to pay the 8 Trillion+ deficit that bush is mounting (I think its $8.18 trillion, either way, ridiculous).
There isn’t anything left to cut, after years of cutting back. Like when we cut funding for the levees in New Orleans. Or when we cut funding from the Mine Health and Safety Organization, leaving them unable to enforce regulations. Or when we cut student loans, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps (as discussed before).
But I’m sure we’ll find something besides the military to cut from. I mean, when you aren’t making enough money to pay the bills, you do things like drop out of college, don’t get healthcare and prescriptions, stop eating, and stop protecting yourself. No one would do anything like try to make more income (raise taxes on the rich!), or sell your guns!
There are only two more budgets for Bush to fuck up until there’s a new President in town, so don’t get too upset over your future. We may even be able to make a responsible budget for '07 with the Democratic House this November.
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