Friday, January 20, 2006

Bin Laden Tape hurts Bush

But first, I want to direct your attention to 2 posts below by Domenic Lanza: A Desperate Cry for Universal Healthcare, and Shit-List Volume 1. I've been posting often, pushing his posts lower, but I don't want them to go unnoticed, so check them out!

Newsday makes the argument that by releasing an audio tape today threatening fresh attacks on
America, Osama Bin Laden has pointed out ineffectiveness President Bush's "war" fighting terrorism (I put war in quotes because, as Robert Reich points out in Reason, you can't fight a war on a tactic). The White House stated today that it shows he is on the run, but in reality, it shows that he is still at large. Despite huge military spending (we're above $450 billion a year now), we're failing to find the most sought-after man in the world. Perhaps if we were well-perceived in the Muslim world, it wouldn't be so easy for Osama Bin Laden to get help and hide. Also, if our troops wasting their lives (sadly, this is literally) in Iraq, they could be apprehending terrorists.


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