Saturday, January 21, 2006

Altio Democrats' "Worst Nightmare"

Republican Senator Bill Frist, current Senate Majority Leader, has said in a private meeting that Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is a Democrats' "Worst Nightmare."

Frist was not available for comment following his remarks.

Asked about the senator's remark, Frist spokesman Bob Stevenson said that Alito "is a thoughtful mainstream conservative jurist who is well respected by his peers, by Democrats and Republicans alike."

Stevenson added, "There are liberals, many of them represented by the outside groups, who will do anything to kill any nominee put forward by this administration."

Not like you needed more evidence, but hopefully this will increase the opposition, and get a good filibuster going. Or even offend some moderate Republicans, but they usually follow the party line like sheep, so don't count on it.


Blogger Ol' BC said...

Alito looked great, thanks to Admiral Kennedy of the SS Oldsmobile, who by the way looked drunker than Otis Campbell.

12:00 PM  

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