Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Alito Anger

What bothers me most about the debate of judge Alito is that the best thing said about him is he's "qualified." There are thousands of people qualified to serve on that court, judge Alito included. We're debating if he will uphold the constitution, or twist it to serve his partisan goals. No Democrat has said he is unqualified. It all came from Harriet Miers, who wasn't at all qualified. But approving the second person just because they are qualified is like cheering on your child for getting a D instead of an F. Maybe it's just patriotism, but I find the Supreme Court to be a highly esteemed body. It takes more than a law degree and experience to get there. But here is the Alito praise:

In the opening debates today, Senator Bill Frist: "I support Judge Alito because he is exceptionally qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice." (note: this was the first reason Frist gave). "There is no question that Judge Alito is exceptionally well-qualified, measured..."

Senator Lindsay Graham: "he's a historically well-qualified nominee and it's kind of sad to me that it will be a party-line vote."

Senator Mel Martinez: "Samuel Alito epitomizes the type of individual we should have serving on the Supreme Court of the United States; his experience, qualifications"

Senator Sam Brownback: " You're undoubtedly qualified. You were cited by the ABA to be unanimously well-qualified."

Senator Chuck Grassley: "The Senate has an important responsibility to confirm to the federal bench well qualified individuals"

"...with the American Bar Association rating him “well qualified” to sit on the nation’s highest court..." [Link]

"Despite reservations about several rulings by Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, Democratic Senate candidate Robert P. Casey Jr. said yesterday that Alito should be confirmed because, ultimately, he is qualified." [Link]

"In preparation for a Senate vote on Judge Samuel Alito, the Family Research Council has launched several ad buys encouraging state leaders in South Dakota, Arkansas and Louisiana to vote based on Alito's qualifications, not on agenda." [Link]

Ironically, qualifications are not important to Republicans to become President.


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